About me

About me


The square opening in a weather-beaten wooden board of a former sheep pen serves as a point of attachment for the clay. The work reflects a mental structure with the underlying patterns and junctions of human relations. Together they form a system of conversation and exchange that involves the whole range of human interactions, from edification to darkness.

The press

In this work different realities with reference to the concept of “press” converge: as a means of spreading the written word or on the contrary curtailing its freedom, as when screwing down the old paper press. The trickle of blood seeping from the newspaper refers to all kinds of violence used when exerting political or social pressure. Some of my works exist in the combination of wood and clay. Not only the clay is the starting point but the other material who ‘s been already transformed by men. In joining the two parts together on a simple natural way they form a unity in which the same spirit can find his home. The creation is at the same time the representation of clay and wood as
material and a strong symbol showing the possibility of a harmonic relationship from a larger perspective.


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